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5 Predicted Lifechanging Technologies

Technology has been growing, evolving and changing our lives in countless ways. With task teams working across the globe, new life-changing technology is far closer than we think. Keep reading to hear about 5 predicted lifechanging technologies.

3D Printed Organs

3D printing has already made strides in many industries, most recently making it’s value known in the medical trade. Currently 3D printing can assist with the implants and replacement of hips and knees. Before 2040 we predict 3D printers to be able to artificially create human organs. This allows surgeons to create organs for transplants with the patients own cells. In using the patients own cells there’s a lesser chance of organ rejection. This would not only provide a faster solution, it would also make up for the lack of organ donors we currently face.

3D Organs Surgeons
Space Travel

Travelling to space is a fantasy humans have always had. However, space travel may actually be closer than we thought. Many companies are investing time and money to turn this dream into reality. A few of these companies include Boeing, SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and Orion Span. Check out the companies to read more about their missions.

Space Travel NASA
Sound Wave Extinguisher 

Undergraduate students, Seth Robertson and Viet Tran created the acoustic extinguisher. Their senior project made to extinguish small kitchen fires, captured the attention of the ARSAC (Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee). It’s safe to say the ARSAC saw their creation in a much larger picture. Soundwave technology uses pressure waves to push oxygen from the source of a flame and over a large area. This breaks the combustion triangle of the fire, removing oxygen to stop the burn. This extinguisher removes the need for water or any chemicals, which is an environmental advantage.

Bush Fires Extinguisher Technology
Brain Computer Interface
A brain computer interface (BCI) is a system that acquires brain signals, analyses them, and translates them into commands. BCI’s aren’t a new kid on the block, these actually have a history dating back to 1921. As years have progressed the research and creation of BCI’s have come a long way, however there is still some way to go. BCI’s can be invasive, non-invasive and partially-invasive. This depends of the funcion and the risks the patients are willing to take.
Elon Musk’s latest company “Neuralink” is just one that is focusing on this development. Neuralink aims to help neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, dementia, spinal cord injuries, hearing loss, memory loss, insomnia and even depression. Neuralink has begun their research and investigation, yet still have some way to go.
Artifical Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an advance we have all have heard of before. Whilst we often associate AI with human robots there is much more beneath the surface. AI is all around us, and has every day uses. AI is in your social media algorithms, recommended to buy ads, face ID and in your virtual assistants. The entertainment, healthcare, IT and transportation industries are all expected to change.
A healthcare industry example includes medicines. AI algorithms will enable specialists to analyse and customize medicines of every patient. Driverless cars will also grow in popularity, humans are distractible, whereas an AI robot isn’t.
Artificial Intelligence
Technology has come a long way, but it’s clear there still quite a way to go. From artificial organs and travelling to space there are some incredible advances in the works. Share your thoughts with us. Get in touch via Facebook or our Instagram to have a chat! #OwnYourSuccess